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In a written Judgement from Bristol Magistrates Court, RSPCA Inspectors behaviour was labelled, "Unprofessional, Bullying and Sarcastic. If police officers had spoken to a suspect in this way, I anticipate that there may well have been disciplinary proceedings." 

RSPCA Inspectors used phrases such as:

"You'll get a lovely summons in the post to court and that's not a threat, it will happen" and "I couldn't care if you go to prison or not" and "this is nothing compared to what the Magistrates are going to put you through." 

The written Judgement went on to say that "the terrible language used and the attitude reflected in those recordings does not reflect well on the RSPCA."


These comments made by the RSPCA Inspectors to our client were of course not recorded in their witness statements or Pocket Notebook Entries. 

The terrible behaviour of staff of the RSPCA does not finish there. Chief Inspector Atkinson clearly denied evidence in the witness box (Nigel Weller and Co had recordings to show to the Court that Chief Inspector Atkinson was misleading the Court). His behaviour was commented upon by the District Judge as follows: 

"I find as a matter of fact that Chief Inspector Atkinson was misleading the court."

"However, well intentioned Chief Inspector Atkinson thought he was being, he was, in no uncertain terms, advising MS -whom he knew was prone to getting upset to change lawyers."

"His allegations are outrageouns."

"I am shocked that a Chief Inspector would a) speak like this and b) deny it in the witness box until confronted with the recording. It does not inspire confidence. The behaviour of tome of the RSPCA Inspectors, as revelaed in the covert recordings, has given me much anxiety when assessing their evidence when it has been uncorroborated."

The behavour of the RSPCA Inspectors and Chief Inspector in the recordings were outrageous. The evidence recorded was not contained in there witness statements, unsurprisingly, and therefore would not have seen the light of day if it had not been for our client. Who deserves great credit for making the recordings. 

NW&Co. now advise all our clients to record all meetings, conversations and visits made by the RSPCA to their properties, we also advise all our clients to film the RSPCA. The reasons for this are clearly illustrated above, RSPCA Chief Inspectors will mislead the Courrt in the witness box, they will deny that they have said things. Only when confronted with the recordings will they then admit to saying terrible things to our clients and appologies. 

NW&Co, have over the years heard countless accounts from clients with RSPCA Inspectors being rude, unprofessional and worse to them. Unfortunately it is very difficult to prove these accounts without recordings, as you can see from above Chief Inspector Atkinson denied making any comments to our client. That is why making recordings is vitally important. 

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